Think About It: Do I REALLY Believe
"Think About It": Do I really believe in Jesus? You are not a child of God nor do you belong to God unless you have first applied John 1:12 over your life. This is not mean or close minded but the truth. The truth is the truth whether you believe it or not. Now the key is in understanding the phrase "believe in His Name"and "received Him". It isn't a belief like you believing in George Washington or a famous movie star just because you read up on some history or current stats. This kind of belief means to trust in and live like Jesus. How did Jesus live? 1) In love with God 2) In obedience to the will/desires of God 3) In agreement with God's written Word by confession and lifestyle 4) In power and authority over satan 5) In the Spirit 6) In faith 7) In freedom from sin 8) In friendship with sinners Understanding these 8 points, do you believe in Jesus? Only by God's grace can you live in a relationship with Jesus the way Jesus lived in a relationship with God. That's the revelation of being in a relationship with like Jesus has.It isn't until you receive Jesus that you are gain the "right to become" a child of God. Religion, your own ideas, your good works, etc. do not entitle you to be good enough to know God. To know God you must first know His Son, Jesus. John 1:12 NKJV But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, to those who believe in His Name: