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Church Center Giving
Church Trac Giving
As you give and tithe, know that you are ensuring that: bills are paid on time, our community is being impacted Biblically with measurable results, the Word of God is studied and preached thoroughly and with clarity, people's lives are ministered to daily, our church services have the resources needed for in person ministry, our online presence is effective and far reaching, outreach and benevolence for Members are provided when needed, and evangelism and missions are sown into. Please pray about how the Lord would have you sow into Victory Worship Center and it's many ministries.
To give ONLINE:
PayPal - Enter
Scan the Cash app or $givevwc
Church Center-Website
Church Trac
If you would like to mail your gift in, please make it out to:
Victory Worship Center
PO Box 3512
Bartlesville, OK. 74006
We also have "Seed Pouches" in the Sanctuary that you can plant your financial seed in.
The Bible teaches that the giving of your tithes and offerings is
God's Scriptural solution to help you increase your income.
If you have questions please go to our contact page and send us an email.
Thank you so much for your generous, cheerful and tax deductible gifts.
It is because of your faith and giving that God is able to do all that He is doing at Victory Worship Center.
Should gifts exceed the specific need of a project, or unforeseen events prohibit the completion of a project, funds will be used for similar ministry purposes, media ministry, broadcasting, or other important endeavors of Victory Worship Center.
(Ezra 7:18)
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