David serves in Pastoring each person who calls VWC their church home to become fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ, teaching Believer's to make Jesus known across the street and around the world. David also sings and plays piano at VWC.

Amanda "Lady A" serves in multiple areas of the Ministry next to Pastor as his wife, worship leader and confidant. She loves pink and shiny things, helping God's people, worshiping God.

Serves as a Deacon at Victory and you will see him praying many times up front and among the congregation with precious Church family and our Guests.

Frank serves as a Deacon and he his a pillar in his teaching of God's Word and in the Church. Joyce serves as Kids Director and keeps everything tidy. She helps set and reset many of the areas in the Church for functions and area arrangements. They both work together in cleaning the Church every Thursday.

Serves as our Celebrate Recovery Leader. Angela serves in the Ministry of Helps and Outreach, and she is the Church Secretary.